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Goa’s Wanarmare Tribe Celebrates Historic SSC Achievement



Panaji, May 17 – A wave of celebration has swept through the Wanarmare sub-tribe of the Katkari community in Malpe-Virnoda, North Goa, as one of their own, Ganesh Pawar, has made history by becoming the first student from the community to pass the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examination. Achieving a score of 44 percent, Ganesh accomplished this milestone without the aid of tuitions.

The Wanarmare tribe, with roots in Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg districts of Maharashtra, has been settled in Goa for about a century. The tribe’s population, around 200 to 300 individuals, is split between Nirankal in South Goa and Malpe in the North.

Hanuman Pawar, Ganesh’s father, expressed immense joy and pride, calling this achievement the best moment of his life. “He is the first student from our tribe to complete the tenth standard. I am very happy and hope children from our community get educated,” said Hanuman, who supports his family of five through various temporary jobs in agriculture and other fields, lacking permanent employment and land ownership.

Despite the challenges, Ganesh remains undecided about his future educational pursuits but is encouraged by his father to follow his dreams. Ganesh attributes his success to perseverance and community support. “My journey through school was challenging, but it taught me that perseverance and support can change our destinies. This achievement is not mine alone, it belongs to my entire community. I hope my story will inspire other children from my community to pursue their dreams and believe in the possibility of a brighter future,” he said.

Peter F. Borges, Chairperson of the Goa State Commission for Protection of Child Rights, praised Ganesh’s accomplishment. “We are immensely proud of Ganesh’s achievement, which marks a significant milestone in our efforts to ensure education for every child. His success reaffirms our belief that with the right support and opportunities, every child can overcome barriers and achieve their potential. This is a victory for Ganesh, a victory for the Katkari community, and a victory for all of us who believe in the power of education to transform lives,” Borges stated.