Margao – “Depriving Talented Goan Artists, Musical Programmes of Shree Ram Temple Consecration Celebrations given to Non-Goan Artists by BJP Government. Is this Chief Minister Dr....
Canconkars are well known for their cultural/ethical values & they have proved that on many occasions in the past. Today diverse Canconkars’, spanning all castes &...
MLA Vijai Sardesai Raises Concerns over Margao Master Plan 2041
Margao – New era begins in Goa with a Widow Usha Naik performing Wedding Rituals of her Daughter Dr. Gautami with Dr. Prathamesh. Compliments to Naik-Dicholkar...
Margao – Let us celebrate his Centenary by putting into practice ‘Konkani Uloi, Konkani Boroi, Konkanitlyan Sarkar Choloi’. CM ani BJP SarkarJayaat Jaage,Goemche Mhaze Goemkarano Jayat...