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Goa Forward Demands Audit After Rainwater Leaks into Kala Academy Auditorium



Panaji, May 20: In the wake of rainwater seeping into the main auditorium of the renovated Kala Academy during a scheduled event, the Goa Forward Party (GFP) has intensified its demand for a comprehensive audit of the facility’s refurbishment.

GFP General Secretary, Durgadas Kamat, expressed deep concern over the recurrent structural issues plaguing the iconic cultural institution. “The safety of artists and patrons must be paramount. The recent incident of rainwater leakage into the main auditorium is unacceptable,” Kamat asserted during a press conference.

The incident comes on the heels of public outrage following the collapse of a false ceiling within the Kala Academy premises just last month. “The repeated occurrences of structural failures at Kala Academy are alarming. It reflects poorly on the quality of renovation work carried out,” Kamat added.

He called upon Chief Minister Pramod Sawant, who also holds the portfolio of Public Works Department (PWD), to personally oversee a thorough inspection of the premises. “We urge the Chief Minister to direct officials to conduct a detailed audit of the renovation work. Such audits are imperative to ensure that public infrastructure meets requisite safety standards,” Kamat emphasized.

Furthermore, Kamat criticized Art and Culture Minister Govind Gaude for allegedly distancing himself from the ongoing controversy. “It is disappointing to witness the lack of accountability from the concerned minister. The responsibility lies with the state government to address these pressing issues promptly,” he remarked.

The Kala Academy, designed by renowned architect Charles Correa, has been a symbol of Goa’s rich cultural heritage since its inception. However, a series of structural mishaps in recent years has tarnished its reputation and raised concerns among the public.

Kamat underscored the importance of engaging the Charles Correa Foundation in the restoration efforts. “Given the historical significance of Kala Academy and the expertise of the foundation, collaboration is essential to rectify the structural deficiencies,” he asserted.

The GFP’s demand for a comprehensive audit comes amidst mounting criticism over the alleged irregularities surrounding the Rs 49 crore renovation project. The absence of a tender process for awarding the renovation contract has drawn sharp rebuke from opposition parties and civil society groups.

In response to the criticism, Art and Culture Minister Govind Gaude defended the government’s decision, drawing parallels with the construction of the Taj Mahal. However, his comparison has been met with skepticism, with critics arguing that the historical context and magnitude of the projects differ significantly.

As the debate over the Kala Academy renovation continues to simmer, the GFP remains steadfast in its commitment to ensuring accountability and transparency in public infrastructure projects. “We cannot afford to compromise on safety and quality. The government must act swiftly to address the concerns raised by citizens,” Kamat concluded

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