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Epilepsy Unveiled: Causes, Treatment, and Living a Full Life with Seizures



Doctor's detail - Dr. Parul Dubey, Consultant Neurology, Manipal Hospital, Goa

Dr. Parul Dubey, Consultant Neurology, Manipal Hospital, Goa
Epilepsy is a common disease of the brain, it can affect people of all ages, from childhood to old age. It can start at any age.
Seizures occur due to abnormal electrical activity generated in the brain for a number of reasons as discussed today.

There are various types of seizures and there can be many causes and triggers for seizures. It is helpful to recognize these triggers.

Importantly, Alcohol and recreational drugs can cause seizures.

Sleep deprivation, increased screen time, particularly in the dark, and fluctuating lights can trigger seizures.

A proper diagnosis of epilepsy should be done by qualified experts. CT and MRI scans of brain and EEG are the main diagnostic tools.

When a seizure occurs one must make efforts to save the person from injuries and put him on one side to prevent him from choking.
Midazolam nasal spray can be administered by family members at home, to abort the seizure when it occurs. It should be kept handy.

If seizure continues for more than 5 minutes, then he might need intravenous medicines and hospitalization to control seizures.

Many safe and affordable ant seizure medicines are available in the modern era of medicine which can significantly reduce the occurrence of seizures.
Epilepsy is treatable. People with seizures can lead normal lives like everyone. They should not be stigmatised. They can work and get married.

Medicines should be taken regularly, religiously and as per the recommended doses and timings.

Avoid trying to cure epilepsy with faith healers and quacks as modern medicine does provide effective treatment for epilepsy.
Patients with seizures should be careful and avoid situations like being near fire, swimming, heavy machinery, driving etc. to prevent accidents in case of unexpected occurrence of seizures.
Women with epilepsy are as normal as any other women and can have normal children, even when on medicines. under proper medical care, good lifestyle and regular follow ups with the medical care providers. Women in reproductive age group on ant seizure medicines should take folic acid supplementation to ensure giving birth to a healthy baby.

The management of epilepsy has improved significantly with the increased number and variety of available safe anti-seizure medications. Epilepsy surgeries are an option in eligible selected cases with drug resistant epilepsy.

Even Napoleon and Julius Caesar had epilepsy and they became conquerors whom the world remembers till this date. With proper treatment, good life style, positive attitude and faith in God, one can lead a normal and successful life, even with epilepsy.

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