Ponda: Prakash Chodankar, a 58-year-old motorcycle pilot from Satarda-Maharashtra residing in Kavlem-Ponda, was tragically crushed to death by a crane near the underpass at the Kadamba...
PANAJI: Aldona Congress MLA Adv Carlos Alvares Ferreira has welcomed the Union government’s decision to allow individuals who have acquired Portuguese nationality to apply for an...
Ponda – It is loud and clear that the lethargic approach of the Goa State Pollution Control Board (GSPCB) has given a free hand to the...
Hon’ble Chief Minister Dr. Pramod Sawant chaired the 2024 Goa State Geological Programming Board Meeting today, unveiling the Geological and Mineral Map of Goa, as well...
Panaji: The National Students’ Union of India (Goa) organized a protest against the irregularities in the NEET exam on June 11, 2024, at 3:30 PM at...
Merces, 09th June 2024: In a pivotal step towards establishing Goa as a design capital, the Creative Community of Goa (CCG) gathered for the 6th edition...
World Food Safety Day is celebrated on the 7th of June every year. The theme for this year’s World Food Safety Day is “Food Safety: prepare...
World Ocean Day highlights oceans’ crucial role in our lives and underscores the pressing need to protect them from deterioration. Observed annually on June 8th, this...
Mapusa – The CT scan machine at the North District Hospital in Mapusa has been non-functional for the past three months, forcing patients to travel to...
Panaji – In a significant move coinciding with World Environment Day, the Goa government has mandated the use of electric vehicles (EVs) for all government offices,...