In a shocking incident, Siddiqui alias Suleman Khan, a 55-year-old accused in multiple land-grabbing cases, escaped from the custody of the Crime Branch SIT on December...
The Crime Branch has intensified its investigation into a prostitution racket operating through an escort website by summoning three taxi drivers from North Goa for questioning....
Goa Police Crime Report (01.12.2024 - 02.12.2024)
Panaji: The Crime Branch has arrested Vittorio Jose Velho in connection with a major forgery and cheating case involving fraudulent property transactions in Penha de França...
Panaji: The investigation into Goa’s cash-for-jobs scam is progressing transparently and without interference, according to DGP Alok Kumar. The Deputy Inspector General (DIG) is closely monitoring...
Panaji: Goa Police’s Special Investigation Team (SIT) has apprehended notorious criminal Siddiqui alias Suleman Mohammad Khan, age 54, a resident of Thivim, Goa, who was wanted...
In a significant operation on November 11, 2024, Panaji Police cracked down on an illegal gambling den at the Panaji Municipal Market. Acting on specific intelligence,...