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Mormugao MLA Sankalp Amonkar Calls for Urgent Reforms in Power Infrastructure and Renewable Energy Initiatives



Panaji: During the monsoon session of the legislative assembly, Mormugao MLA Sankalp Amonkar voiced several urgent concerns and suggestions regarding the state’s power infrastructure and renewable energy initiatives. Addressing the House on Demand No. 76 for Electricity, Amonkar began by thanking the Honorable Minister for Power, Shri Sudin Dhavalikar, for providing line helpers to the region’s Sub Division III of Division XI, addressing a previous shortage.

Key Issues Raised:

  1. Staff Shortage at Sub Stations: Amonkar highlighted a critical shortage of two station operators at the Bogda Sub Station. He requested the Minister for Power to expedite the appointment process to ensure smooth operations and maintenance of the power supply.
  2. Obstructive Electricity Poles: The MLA raised concerns over electricity poles obstructing ongoing works by the Goa State Infrastructure Development Corporation (GSIDC) in the Baina area. The incomplete removal of these poles has led to public inconvenience and potential safety hazards. Despite multiple requests, the Electricity Department has not acted to relocate these poles. Amonkar urged the Minister to address this issue promptly to avoid further delays and risks.
  3. Insufficient Equipment: Amonkar pointed out the lack of critical equipment in the region, including only one truck-mounted crane for Division XI, which is also shared with Division XIV. This crane, essential for tasks such as transporting transformers and accessories, is also used for store-related work, leading to delays in addressing public complaints. He requested an additional crane to ensure timely responses to infrastructural needs.
  4. Bucket-Mounted Crane and Heavy Vehicle Driver: The assembly also heard about the inadequacy of bucket-mounted cranes, with only one available for the entire Division XI, covering four constituencies. This crane is crucial for repairs, line laying, and tree pruning but is only available in Mormugao once a week. Amonkar called for an additional crane and a heavy vehicle driver for Sub Division III to enhance the efficiency and responsiveness of the power department.
  5. Safety Equipment for Line Staff: The MLA stressed the need for essential safety gear for line staff, including raincoats, safety tool kits, and safety shoes, particularly during the monsoon season. He noted that the lack of these items has made it challenging for staff to work effectively under adverse weather conditions. Amonkar requested immediate provision of these safety accessories to ensure the well-being and productivity of the workforce.
  6. Allegations of Misappropriation: Amonkar brought attention to allegations of a significant financial misappropriation amounting to Rs. 145 crore in the failed Ariel Bunch Cabling project by the state electricity department. He urged the Minister to investigate the matter thoroughly, either by forming a House Committee or initiating a vigilance inquiry, to address this substantial loss to the state exchequer.

Demand No. 86: New and Renewable Energy:

Shifting focus to renewable energy, Amonkar advocated for a robust implementation of solar power initiatives. He proposed the installation of solar street lights in traditional fishing communities in Baina and Desterro, emphasizing the need for government support to pass this proposal.

He also called for policies promoting solar panels on residential and commercial buildings and the installation of solar rooftops on all government buildings, schools, and other public institutions. Amonkar highlighted the benefits of these initiatives, such as cost-effective power generation and reducing reliance on external power sources.

Furthermore, Amonkar suggested providing subsidies for electric vehicles (EVs) to encourage the transition from petrol/diesel vehicles, thus contributing to a reduction in air pollution. He emphasized that investing in solar power plants within the state could enhance energy self-sufficiency, reducing dependence on other states.

In closing, Amonkar expressed confidence that with the support of the Minister for State for Power, New & Renewable Energy, Shri Shripad Naik, Goa could achieve significant advancements in the power and renewable energy sectors. He urged the government to take proactive measures to support these proposals, ensuring a sustainable and efficient energy infrastructure for the state.

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