
Record Drunken Driving Cases Booked During Special Drive in Goa

249 Violations in Three-Day Crackdown; Significant Increase in Yearly Cases Compared to Last Year



Panaji: A special drive against drunken driving conducted from May 31, 2024, to June 2, 2024, resulted in a record 249 violations recorded between 8 PM and 11 PM. This marks the highest number of drunken driving cases booked during a three-day special drive.

In total, 258 drunken driving violations were recorded over the three-day period, including enforcement outside the special drive hours. From January 1, 2024, to June 2, 2024, a total of 2,124 drunken driving cases have been booked in the state, a significant increase from the 509 cases recorded during the same period last year.

So far, three individuals have been sentenced to simple imprisonment by the Hon’ble Courts, with terms ranging from one to four days, in addition to fines ranging from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 10,000.

Legal Context

Under Section 185 of the Motor Vehicles Act (M.V. Act), drunken driving is defined as driving with blood alcohol levels exceeding 30 mg per 100 ml, as detected by a breath analyzer or other tests, or driving under the influence of drugs to the extent of being incapable of proper vehicle control. The penalties for the first offence include imprisonment for up to six months, a fine of ten thousand rupees, or both. For subsequent offences, the penalties include imprisonment for up to two years, a fine of fifteen thousand rupees, or both.

Impact of Alcohol on Driving

Alcohol in the bloodstream impairs driving abilities, affecting concentration, judgment, and reaction times. This increases the risk of accidents as drivers’ response times are slowed, making it harder to process and react to situations promptly.

Public Advisory

The general public is strongly urged not to drink and drive to ensure the safety of all road users. Let’s work together to make Goan roads safer and prevent accidents.


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